Thursday, March 26, 2009


Okay, I have a lot of studying to do, but I wanted to tell you all this. 

Yesterday, we found out some pretty sketchy information about one of the yell leader candidates from the corps. Last semester, he got a DWI, and a possession of marijuana charge against him! Yes, that's right, the corps, who normally pick very good candidates that always seem to win, decided to pick someone with a criminal history...that was incredibly recent!

Well anyways, we didn't want to spread the news, because we didn't want it to look like Andrew was trying to run a smear campaign, but we felt that it should be out in the open because we didn't want someone like him being the face of the university. We didn't really know what to do, but thankfully we didn't have to, because some pretty important organizations on campus found out and started spreading the word, which made him drop out of the race. So now the corps doesn't have a second yell leader candidate that will be on the ballot. They are going to try and do a write-in campaign with him, but that will be incredibly difficult to do. Andrew has a very good shot of getting one of the positions now!

We just have to keep getting his name out and spreading the word. 

Okay back to english, but I thought that you should know that Andrew has a very good chance of getting the position now!


First Phil Paper

okay so posting didn't work as well as i wanted it too, but oh well. here it is in google docs if you want to read it.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Campaign and Rain

Hi all!

Well this week is pretty crazy right now. Andrew's campaign for yell leader is going extremely well, and it feels like he really has a shot at getting yell leader. check out his website and his video. it's pretty funny. 

I also found out some grades from before spring break. I made a 102 on my philosophy paper (!) and then made an 85 on my history paper about Thomas Paine and Common Sense. I am kind of disappointed in the 85 and felt wrongly judged on a few things, but oh well. I will know differently for next time. I am going to try and post the phil paper on here in some form or fashion, so you can read it if you want. It was a product of an all night writing session that turned out pretty good. 

It just started raining here tonight. Pouring is probably a better word for it. There has been an 80% chance all week and finally all that pent up energy came down in a torrent of wind and water. It felt good actually. There was such an anticipation in the air all week before it and now it is gone. A new sense of calm now settles over the landscape. It's like all week the storm has been brooding, getting angrier and just letting it out in small dosages, until now, and now it can get whatever is bothering it off its chest. 

I hope that helps storm. 

here is a great movie I just watched.

okay that's all for now. goodnight and goodluck.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

School and Life

Hello again!

Here is some music to read along to!

Life has been busy lately. I ran my first marathon in 3:44 and it was the most painful and excruciating thing I have ever done, but I plan on doing another one this fall.

School has been going well, but is getting harder and harder with more to do. I just finished my first history paper of the semester, and tests have been a success so far.

I am running a race called the Texas Independence Relay this weekend. It should be legit, and my team may win it. Go Poison Ivy League!

As I now have netflix, I just watched one of the most best movies I have ever seen. Many people think that a foreign film cannot produce the same emotions as a film in English because you have to read what the characters are saying. I disagree completely, as most of the foreign films I have seen have made me feel the most passionate about what I have seen. Anyways, here is the movie I saw.

I guess that is all for now. I hope your day is one full of whatever makes you happy!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Her Morning Elegance--Oren Lavie

I found this on a site I seem to find a lot of cool stuff. Thought it was a pretty clever use of stop-motion, and it's a catchy song. win win in my book.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Oscar Watch--Best Picture

Over the next few days, I am going to be posting some things about the best picture nominees, and other nominees for the Oscar's. Here is my favorite. Slumdog Millionaire